Istrian Slovenian coast

Istrian Slovenian coast
Portorož or the Harbor of Roses, is the main place of Slovenian Toursim. The city sight is minted with numerous hotels with casinos, wellness centers and SPAs.
Many restaurants are found along the coast side, as well ascoffee shops or commercial shops that invite everybody to a spending spree.

The picturesque seaport is enriched with tight alleyways made in the Venetian Style, that extends itself on a promontory. Many of the historical buildings are worth seeing,
as well as spectacular viewpoints.
Istrian specialties, beverages, music
Ham-cheese-wine tasting
Truffle tasting
All tours offer a possibility for a quick meal or extentive lunch: Konoba "Betiga" at Silvano (Barbariga), Konoba "Staver" at Milena (Krculi/Žminj) or Konoba "Bani" at Dule (Pazin)
All entrance fees are to be paid optionally
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